Welcome to the Writing and Multiliteracy Center at UMD!
How can we help you?
The Writing and Multiliteracy Center at UMD (WMC) located in the UMD Liberal Arts Building, room 221, aspires to provide linguistic and rhetorical academic support for the UMD student community. The center is populated by tutors with a wide range of specializations that have the main goal of supporting students with their multiliteracy needs.
The term multiliteracy, as defined by the New London Group in 1994, evolves the educational paradigm: multiliterate pedagogies “accept and encourage a wide range of linguistic, cultural, communicative, and technological perspectives and tools being used to help students better prepare for a rapidly changing, globalized world.”
So, as an academic support center inclusive of multiliteracies, the Writing & Multiliteracy Center’s goal is to provide a welcoming space where all UMassD students can grow as independent and confident communicators—on the written page and across a variety of current and emerging platforms and technologies.
Brainstorming, Outlining, Proofreading, oh my!
Tutors at the WMC are equipped to help students revise, interpret, and brainstorm assignments. They can work with you on written assignments as well as assignments that transcend, transform, or supplement the written word. Examples of such assignments can include presentations, public speaking assignments, and video/audio-based projects. Please note, WMC tutors cannot assist with take-home written exams, tests, and quizzes. Tutors can help with brainstorming essay test preparation strategies but, for ethical reasons, cannot assist with revising your responses to test/quiz questions.
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